Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Quick Overview of Last Week

This will be short and sweet since I'm trying to catch everyone up on all of last week.

June 26, we went to Les Invalides, officially known as L'Hôtel National des Invalides. It contains monuments and museums related to France's military history. Les Invalides also houses Napoleon Bonaparte's tomb, which is ginormous!

Les Invalides

Leah and I. Right behind us & below is where Napoleon's tomb is.

Napoleon's huge tomb!

Surrounding Les Invalides are moats and cannons.

This is the printed statement from General De Gaulle broadcast on June 18, 1940 after the Nazi's had occupied France.  "France has lost a battle! But France has not lost the war!"
Leah planking in front of Napoleon's tomb... just an inside joke from our group!

June 27, 2012 we went to the Quai Branly Museum. On our way to the museum we walked by the Flame of Liberty, a replica of the flame found on the Statue of Liberty, it's symbolic of the friendship uniting our two countries. We also walked past the tunnel where Princess Diana was killed. The sidewalk over the tunnel is covered by inscriptions for Princess Diana and often the flame is thought of as a memorial to her, but as I just explained it's not actually.

The outside of the Quai Branly is very picturesque because it's surrounded by trees and flowers. It reminded me a lot of the outside of the rainforest at the Cleveland Metropark zoo. There's also a great view of the Eiffel Tower from there. They have a rooftop restaurant where the views are even better but unfortunately we need reservations to get up there. The museum was really interesting because it housed objects and art from African, Asian, Oceania, and America civilizations.

June 28th, we went to the Immigration Museum. It was a lot smaller than we had imagined so we finished our excursion in under an hour. But we found an aquarium in the same building so we just went there afterward. There were so many kinds of fish... lots of Nemos and Doris, jellyfish, alligators, turtles. I love aquariums! But the best part was all the little French kids running around so excited speaking in their cute little accents. "Regards, regards... c'est Nemo! Je trouve Nemo!"
Me at the Immigration Museum


More Fish :)


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