Monday, July 2, 2012

Market, Shopping, Mass at Notre Dame, Basilica St. Denis

Saturday, June 23rd we went to an open air market where they sold everything from fruit, meat, bread, bakery, spices, jams, to scarves, jewelry, antiques, and flowers. I love any open air markets as it is (especially the one in Athens) so this one in Paris was a real treat. We'll definitely be going back. I also love that we pass flower shops almost every day on our way to our various excursions. On my to do list while I'm here is to buy some flowers for our room from one of these markets or flower shops! We also went shopping today. Sorry for the lack of pictures.. I'll be sure to take more of the market the next time we go.
They do have a mall here in Paris, but it's underground attached to a metro stop. It was kinda crazy and overwhelming; to be honest I prefer the boutiques and stores above ground. :) There's so many different types of stores and boutiques you can find just about anything if you look hard enough. I love the variety and one of kind clothing they all sell! On our way back from the underground mall Katy and I stopped at a little bagel shop. I got a caesar salad and it came with a miniature toasted bagel and cream cheese... yumm!

Sunday, June 24th Katy and I went to mass at Notre Dame. It was quite an experience, the mass was obviously in France so it was a bit difficult to follow along. However, it followed the regular order of a typical Catholic mass so some things we could pick on. Unfortunately it was raining that morning so we decided to climb up to the top of Notre Dame another time.

On Monday, we visited Basilica St. Denis, where the kings and queens are all buried. It was crazy to imagine being among such historically royal people all in one area.

Basilica St. Denis

Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI's graves

Statue of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI

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