Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sightseeing in the City

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

Today's Events:

  • Took a bus tour of the city. We saw just about everything! The Eiffel Tower, Champs Élysée, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, La Concergerie, The Louvre, La Place de la Concorde, Musée Dorsay... I have pictures for days! Here's a few of my favorites:

Leah, Morgan, and Danielle in front of Notre Dame.

Leah and Morgan posing in front of Notre Dame
La Musée D'Orsay

  • In the evening we took a boat tour on the Seine. Unfortunately the weather wasn't the best; it rained a bit. But to view the entire city from the Seine River was still incredible!
Katy and I on the side of Notre Dame

La Conciergerie

The Lover's Lock Bridge... put a lock on one of the railings and throw away the key while making a wish.

Musée D'Orsay again. It used to be an old train station.

  • After the boat tour we decided to walk around the Latin Quartier and find a place to eat. We walked around quite a bit before deciding on a place. The waiter at Saint Germain Café obviously noticed how indecisive we were, so he spoke to us in English... "Ahllo!" "Come een" "Seet, seet" ... After some more indecisive looking about we decided to go in. They sent us upstairs but there weren't enough seats.. "Pas de problème," the waiter told us, as he asked a couple to change tables and moved some other tables around for us... it was so kind. We ordered some food, some croque madames (ham, cheese, and egg sandwich) and crêpes, and split a bottle of wine. The bathrooms there were communal bathrooms. One of the girls on our trip went to the restroom, but she was not aware they were communal, we saw her walk in and right back out.. "There was a man in there. I was like 'Oh! sorry, sorry!' I didn't know what to do so I just turned around and walked out. He's just like.. huh?" We were laughing for a good ten minutes.

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